※ Citation
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For publication of results please cite the following article: ![]() Miaomiao Chen, Weizhi Zhang, Yujie Gou, Danyang Xu, Yuxiang Wei, Dan Liu, Cheng Han, Xinhe Huang, Chengzhi Li, Wanshan Ning, Di Peng, Yu Xue*. Nucleic Acids Research, 2023. 51(W1): W243-W250 |
![]() Chenwei Wang, Haodong Xu, Shaofeng Lin, Wankun Deng, Jiaqi Zhou, Ying Zhang, Ying Shi, Di Peng, Yu Xue*. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics. 2020. S1672-0229(20)30027-9. |
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